It wasn’t until I started to date my fiancé that I considered myself a true Wazian, even though before that my name to most Asian friends was Wazian. Hopefully the promotion of the word Wazian will inspire other white males and even white females to learn and enjoy the Asian cultures and what they have to offer. Dating Asian females and males is only a small part of being a Wazian.
Last week in my short blog on Wazian vs Wasian my last statement I noted that just because you are dating an Asian does not technically make you a Wazian. Being a Wazian is a culture all on its own. Realistically you’re a white male or female that has been strongly influenced in the Asian culture. The reason why most White males and females that are in a relationship with an Asian classify there self as a Wazian is because day and day out they are subjected to the culture. This does not mean that if you are not in relationship with an Asian that you are not a Wazian. Many Wazian live or hang out with groups of Asians. Growing up I only knew of one other true Wazian. I say true Wazian because we did have other white males and females that would hang out with us, but there was obvious distinction between them and the “true” Wazians.
One thing that I would like to see more of is the promotion of Wazians. For a white male or female to take part in Asian cultures and learning to respect there ways will increase the spread of Wazians and the acceptance of Asians in both relationships and friends. Even though I live in an area where racism is close to nil, I know that there are some places in the world where Wazians are looked down upon. I assume that this dates back to WW2, Vietnam, and other wars in Asia where Caucasians countries played a roll. There was a lot of white males who would get into relationship with the Asian females and went against there cultures. Some went to the extreme and brought there partner back to there own country. Where these men classified as Wazians? I don’t believe so, but some may argue. This was not always true and there were some military personal that would try to learn the Asian culture. A good example of this, though it was a fictional movie was Good morning Vietnam. Where Robin Williams character took special interest in a Asian female. He tried his best to learn about the culture. I do understand that this was a fictional character, but it does show that even at the time Wazians were present.
I would like to see the Wazian community grow larger and gain more respect from both Asians and Caucasians. I would like to get around the stereotyping that wazian are just white males that date Asian females because there “hot” or “submissive” and prove to these people that Wazians have great respect for the Asian culture.
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